Get rid of black spots, pimples and scars on face naturally

Excess oil on skin is the root cause of pimples which leaves black spots and scars on face. Everyone including me hates black spots, pimples and scars on face because it spoils our beauty. Today let us see a simple remedy to get rid of black spots, pimples and scars on face naturally. It uses three simple ingredients which is readily available.


  • Mint leaves juice-2 tsp.
  • Lemon juice-1 tsp.

  • Green gram powder-2 tsp.



  1. Grind green gram to get its powder
  2. Squeeze lemon to extract its juice
  3. Grind mint leaves to get its juice
  4. Take green gram powder in a bowl
  5. Add mint leaves juice and lemon juice to it
  6. Mix it well to get its paste


  1. Wash face with lukewarm water and wipe it well using cotton cloth
  2. Apply this paste on face
  3. Leave it for half an hour to 1 hour
  4. Wash it off with lukewarm water
  5. Take an ice cube and rub it on face gently

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