A permanent remedy for foot corn(kaal aani in tamil)

Foot corn is painful. I have seen few people cutting the foot corn using knives. Cutting off the foot corn is very dangerous. It may hurt you.

Let us see a permanent remedy for foot corn(kaal aani in tamil)


  • Turmeric pieces-5 gm
  • Sweet Flag or Calamus (Vasambu in tamil) pieces-2 gm

  • Henna leaves-10 gm


  • Camphor(karpooram in tamil) -2 gm
  • Water-as needed


Preparation and Usage:

  1. Grind all the above ingredients and get its paste
  2. Apply it on the affected area at night affecting cleaning and drying the feet
  3. Tie it with a cotton cloth
  4. Wash it off in the morning
  5. Use it till it cures completely



2 replies on “A permanent remedy for foot corn(kaal aani in tamil)”

  1. Meena says:

    Is it ok to use Henna Powder instead of Henna leaves?

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